Brainspotting – A Powerful Tool for Healing and Change
Thanks for your interest in Brainspotting (BSP). BSP is an exciting tool to help individuals struggling with a variety of challenges. It has been used as a tool with anxieties, substance abuse, trauma, depression, physical pain, performance issues and many other struggles that brings people to seek a counselor. In 2003, David Grand discovered it while working with a high level figure skater. She was blocked on her ability to perform a triple loop. While doing a similar process to BSP, David found a unique pathway to open the brains and body’s natural ability to heal itself which he later termed Brainspotting.
How Can Brainspotting Help Me
If you just feel stuck in your life and want to get unstuck then BSP can be a powerful tool to help shift out of stuckness. Or if you have been feeling a great deal of anxiousness about Covid or other personal or professional struggles then BSP can be used to heal shift the brain and body activation that can dominate your world at times. Are you in recovery from addiction or wanting to quit using some abusive substance then BSP can be used to reduce cravings or shame connected to the substance abuse. Did you survive some adverse childhood or other experiences which have sprung up again or seem to always be rolling around inside of you. Brainspotting can be a great tool for helping to find and extinguish internal distress and discomfort so we can feel better.
Brainspotting helps the body and mind resolve even previously undiscovered trauma. As you grow strong in your broken places, anxiety decreases, happiness increases as a more whole and authentic self is revealed. It’s an incredible process. –
“When I first learned about brain spotting I was very skeptical. It sounded like something out of a fantasy movie. After doing it a bunch of times, I can honestly say it has played a huge role in my recovery from alcoholism. There have been times where it felt like a switch was flipped in my head after a session and a weight had been lifted.”